Human Robot-Interaction

 Human-Robot Interaction Cristoph Bartneck, Tony Belpaeme, Friederike Eyssel, Takayuki Kanda, Merel Keijers, Selma Sabanovié. Abstract The role of robots in…

4 years ago

Affective Computing

Affective Computing Rosalind Picard, Professor at the MIT Media Laboratory Abstract  Part 1 of this book provides the intellectual framework…

4 years ago

The Laws of Simplicity

Diseño, Tecnología, Negocios, Vida John Maeda nos propone en su libro como pueden involucrarse estas leyes dentro de diferentes enfoques…

5 years ago

The Element

Ken Robinson, PhD From one of the world’s leading thinkers and speakers on creativity and self-fulfillment, a breakthrough book about…

6 years ago

User Experience : principles and method.

Author: Yussef Hassan Montero Pages: 152 Abstract: “Experiencia de Usuario: Principios y Métodos” (spanish) is a book which was thought to introduce in…

6 years ago

Wonder – Special Education

Book “Wonder” was wrote by R.J Palacio, She tells the story of a 10 year-old boy, who was born with…

7 years ago